Disclaimer: The following resources are not affiliated with or endorsed by The Hospice of San Diego.


Comprehensive information and resources about hospice care:

Article on Medicare’s Hospice Benefit

Specific Disease Information

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s Disease

The ALS Association is a national nonprofit organization that provides assistance to people with ALS through their local chapters: https://www.als.org/. The ALS Association has excellent information on when to consider hospice and what to expect from hospice: https://www.als.org/navigating-als/resources/fyi-hospice.

The San Diego Chapter of The ALS Association provides information and resources to individuals with ALS in San Diego: http://webgsd.alsa.org/site/PageNavigator/GSD_8c_Resources.html

Alzheimer’s Disease

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, “Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disease and the most common form of dementia. Dementia is not a specific disease. It’s an overall term that describes a group of symptoms.” The Alzheimer’s Association website includes a wealth of information including the signs of Alzheimer’s disease, local resources, treatments, and help and support: https://www.alz.org/.

This article discusses Alzheimer’s and gum disease: https://www.newmouth.com/blog/alzheimers-gum-disease/.


Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer caused from asbestos exposure. Due to the long latency period of mesothelioma, approximately 20-50 years, about 80% of those who are diagnosed with this terrible disease are seniors. The Pleural Mesothelioma Center helps seniors and their families find free care and support to make their journey much more manageable: https://www.pleuralmesothelioma.com/cancer/

Mesothelioma Hope offers free resources that are reviewed by certified oncologists and provide detailed information about mesothelioma and its health impacts. Their mission is to raise awareness about cancer and other asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma hospice care is a support for people with end-stage mesothelioma. This cancer has a short life expectancy, and many patients and families can benefit from compassionate, comfort focused care. https://www.mesotheliomaguide.com/mesothelioma/

Grief Support for Cancer Victims: https://mesothelioma.net/mesothelioma-and-mourning/

Advance Directives

The California Advance Directives form allows you to make your wishes known about how you want to be treated if you get very sick – including choosing an agent to make healthcare decisions for you when you cannot make them yourself. This form should be used by anyone in California, not just seniors or those with terminal illnesses. https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/consumers/ProbateCodeAdvancedHealthCareDirectiveForm-fillable.pdf


An important consideration for seniors and those with life-limiting illnesses is whether to opt for CPR if they stop breathing.

Caregiver Resources

Caring for a loved one is hard work and can be very overwhelming. These websites offer a wealth of information on a variety of topics:



There may come a time when you or your loved one can no longer remain safely at home. Choosing placement is an important decision and can be difficult to navigate.

50,000+ searchable senior living facilities across every city, town, and county in the United States. Resources and articles on senior living, aging, dementia, senior care, caregiving, and more: https://www.seniorguidance.org/

Final Arrangements

Financial Assistance and Insurance

Resources for Military

Grief Support

Emergency Preparedness

Current Events

  • The Hospice of San Diego recently partnered with ABC10 to do a video series on San Diego Connect
    • How Can Hospice Help You?
    • Misconceptions About Hospice
    • The Pandemic’s Effects on the Senior Community